Monday, August 6, 2007

Holding the new baby in my hands

Of course it took my wife Deb nine months of pregnancy before delivering our daughter Misty on Feb. 7, 1980. Although she has not been the perfect daughter, she has been everything I expected my child to be and more.

I remember the first time I held her in my arms and how proud of her I was, although I knew nothing about raising and providing for a daughter.

On Friday, I got to hold Varsity Sports Media's Tennessee Football magazine in my hands for the first time.

Like my daughter it is not perfect, but as managing editor I'm darn proud of it.

Could it be better?

Oh sure, I can tell you things I will change and different paths I will take the next time.

But I'm proud. Not of the mistakes. But of the product that was produced by the Varsity Sports Media Tennessee Football magazine team that never quit believing in what we were doing from April 1 until now.

I'm proud of those who sold the ads, wrote the stories, took the pictures and did whatever it took to get the magazine to the newsstands.

This is my first baby when it comes to magazine publications.

I'm not sure more than 20 years in the newspaper business completely prepared me for this venture. But more than 100 days this year have taught me many lessons that high school and college didn't.

The magazines hit the stands this week and I just wanted you to know that this is your publication and is your website. What we make out of it is now in your hands and mine.

I need people to supply me with information, pictures, sound clips and video from your school and organization about football in Tennessee.

I will have a team out there working with you, but I need more depth on this squad.

The Varsity Sports Tennessee Football magazine family is expecting another baby about the same time next year and the information you provide during this football season will help us to provide another product we will be more proud of.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you to those who sent in your questionnaires and the team that made this all possible.

I can't wait to hand the magazine to a player with his story inside and watch him thumb through to find his page.

As the "Church Lady" that once appeared on "Saturday Night Live" would say, "Now, that's extra special."

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